Government or Regulators have been argued that is a crucial factor in technology adoption, especially for the developing countries (Stapleton 2010).  From a social context point of view on technology adoption (Korwatanasakul, 2018).  To enterprises coming from various industries like Renewable Energy Technology (RET) (Dhirasasna, Becken and Sahin, 2020), Manufacturing technology adoption (Jaime and Eoin, 2020), and the healthcare industry in healthcare 4.0 initiative (Tortorella et al. 2020).  All use cases discussed explained the importance of government role in respective industries. The role of the government in technology adoption is always meaningful (Doh & Kim, 2014). Not only in the developing countries but also in the developed countries as well.  Government actions especially in reducing financial and technology risks like taxes and providing subsidies to adopt new technology are key to many successful adoptions (Li et al., 2020).  On the local front – Malaysia, the government provides all types of financial support for enterprises to adopt IT usage (Alam & Noor, 2009). 

There may be direct or indirect Government Policies that link to tax or subsidies for the adoption of the Commercial Software Licensing and Monetization (SLM) tool. With ongoing research, Matrix Invent engaged research will study this factor as a “Government Incentive” for the potential customer who is evaluating the use of the CSM tool. The Sales team will be the workgroup to locate if there is a policy of government incentive for their respective covered countries of the potential customer can be an influential factor to adopt the SLM tool.

Stapleton, L. (2010). An Assessment of Technology Adoption Theory in Post-Conflict Regions: A Case Study of Kosovo. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Volume (43-25), 7-12.

Korwatanasakul, W. (2018). Factors influencing technology adoption of people with visual impairment: Case study of financial transactions through an automatic teller machine (ATM). Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, Volume (1-6).

Dhirasasna, N., Becken, S. and Sahin, Oz. (2020). A systems approach to examining the drivers and barriers of renewable energy technology adoption in the hotel sector in Queensland, Australia. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume (42). 153-172.

Tortorella, G.L., Fogliatto, F.S., Kleber Francisco Espôsto, K. F., Vergara, A. M. C., Vassolo, R., Mendoza, D. T. (2020). Effects of contingencies on healthcare 4.0 technologies adoption and barriers in emerging economies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume (156).

Li, W., Clark, B., Taylor, J.A., Helen Kendalla, H., Jones, G., Li, Z., Jin, S., Zhao, C., Yang, G., Shuai, C., Cheng, X., Cheng, J., Yang, H., and Frewer, L.J. (2020). A hybrid modelling approach to understanding adoption of precision agriculture technologies in Chinese cropping systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume (172).

Doh, S., & Kim, B. (2014). Government support for SME innovations in the regional industries:
The case of government financial support program in South Korea. Research Policy, Volume (43-9), 1557–1569.

Alam, S. S., & Noor, M. K. M. (2009). ICT adoption in small and medium enterprises: An empirical evidence of service sectors in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, Volume (4-2), 112–125. 10.5539/ijbm.v4n2p112