What is Software Monetization?

“Software Monetization” is a process where companies can create more revenue opportunities by offering flexible business models, capture new revenue opportunities, minimize revenue leaks, improve operational efficiency of the supply chain, and improve customer satisfaction.

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Marshall Day Acoustics Logo
Honeywell Logo


As the company evolved we expanded our product offering and our business focus.


Sentinel makes it easy for you and your customers to do business

Create Revenue Stream

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Gain Business Insights

Improve Operational Efficiency


The ease with which software can be sold has a direct impact on your business success.

Revenue gained via sales enabling technology (Billion Dollar)


By 2020, 80% of vendors will offer subscription-based business model


Rate at which digital economy outpaces global growth in GDP


Our customers want meaningful data to generate actual business value. Customer, Product and Usage data is crucial in helping their business decision making process.

Traditional Model

  • Licenses Delivered
  • Features Enforced

Sentinel Model

  • Customer name
  • Purchase history
  • Product version
  • Modules activated
  • In App Notifications
  • IoT Monetization
  • Features consumed
  • Renewal status
  • Geographic uptake
  • Add on purchased
  • Upsell Opportunities


Let us share some of our happy customers that has been using our product to transform their business.

Sentinel transformed us… We are now a software-centric company

With Sentinel we now sell licenses, not just hardware

Our customer satisfaction jumped up by 44% when we changed to Sentinel


Sentinel is the leading global brand for software licensing, delivery and protection. Our solutions help customers to maximize the value of the software in their offerings. We do this by helping customers to generate new revenue streams, improve operational efficiency, increase customer satisfaction and gain valuable business insights about their software offering. Our customers include software publishers and device manufacturers looking to monetize their software. Sentinel has a strong global customer base with over 10,000 customers, in 30 industries located in over 100 countries, and has been providing award winning innovative technology for over 30 years.

Market Leadership

Sentinel is a market leader with 49% market share in the licensing and software protection market.

Technology Innovation

Sentinel received the Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award for 2016 for innovation in emerging software monetization use cases.

Industry Expertise

Sentinel solutions are used by leading global brands in 32 different industries and market verticals.

Trusted Global Supplier

Sentinel has a strong global customer base with over 10,000 customers located in over100 countries

Decades of Experience

We have over 30 years of experience and the Sentinel brand is recognized worldwide.